Open Metaverse Interoperability (OMI) Group OSGrid OMI Region Provided by Ai Austin 26-Feb-2022 - Minor update 9-Oct-2022 Licence: Core OpenVCE region assets CC-BY-NC or LGPL Shelf Items: Opens source under specific open source licences hop:// (occasionally online) Based on Open Virtual Collaboration Environment (OpenVCE) Assets See Readme-OpenVCE-Assets.txt Downloads via OpenSim Archive (OAR) files... Core collaboration space has some shelves for additional assets which may be unstocked to keep the OAR size low, and resulting inworld asset database small for replication as necessary. Stocked version has Ruth2 and Roth2 mesh avatars and other open source assets. OSGrid-OMI.oar OSGrid-OMI-Shelves-Unstocked.oar Shelves-Stocked Content The boxes on the shelves contain open source accessible assets and textures from other creators and are licensed by their developers with their own specific licenses. Please give credits and respect the terms of the relevant licenses if the assets are separately used.