[Startup] ; SmartThreadPool is reported to work well on Mono/Linux, but ; UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem has been benchmarked with better ; performance on .NET/Windows async_call_method = UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem ; recommended: false for mono / true for Windows use_async_when_possible = true ; CombineContiguousRegions will be removed from OpenSim 0.9 CombineContiguousRegions = false [DatabaseService] ; ### Set the password (again) ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;Port=3307;User ID=opensim;Password=opensimpass;Old Guids=true;Allow Zero Datetime=true;" [Network] http_listener_port = 9100 [GridService] Region_simonastick_1 = "DefaultRegion, FallbackRegion" Gatekeeper = "" [Hypergrid] HomeURI = "" GatekeeperURI = "" [Groups] HomeURI = "" [HGInventoryService] ProfileServerURI = "" [HGAssetService] ProfileServerURI = "" [HGInventoryAccessModule] ProfileServerURI = "" Gatekeeper = "" ;; If you want to protect your assets from being copied by foreign visitors ;; uncomment the next line. You may want to do this on sims that have licensed content. ; OutboundPermission = False [DataSnapshot] index_sims = false gridname = "simonastick" [Messaging] Gatekeeper = "" [LoginService] WelcomeMessage = "Hello and welcome to Sim-on-a-Stick 0.8" GatekeeperURI = "" SRV_HomeURI = "" SRV_InventoryServerURI = "" SRV_AssetServerURI = "" SRV_FriendsServerURI = "" SRV_IMServerURI = "" SRV_GroupsServerURI = "" ;; For Viewer 2 MapTileURL = "" [GatekeeperService] ExternalName = "" AllowTeleportsToAnyRegion = false [GridInfoService] login = gridname = "simonastick" gridnick = "simonastick" welcome = register = password = [WifiService] GridName = "simonastick" LoginURL = "" WebAddress = "" ;; The Wifi Administrator account AdminFirst = "Wifi" AdminLast = "Admin" AdminEmail = "admin@localhost" AdminPassword = "secret" ;; Do you want to be able to control grid registrations? AccountConfirmationRequired = false ;; Variables for your mail server ;; Users will get email notifications from this account. SmtpHost = "smtp.gmail.com" SmtpPort = "587" SmtpUsername = "@gmail.com" SmtpPassword = "" [TOSModule] ;; Not enabled by default. Enable it if you like by setting this to true Enabled = false ;; Tell the users what this is about Message = "Please read and agree to the Terms of Service" ;; Should local users be shown the TOS on first login? ShowToLocalUsers = false ;; Should foreign users be shown the TOS on first HG login? ShowToForeignUsers = false ;; Change the text on that page for your own TOS. ;; You'll find it under /WifiPages/tos.html TOS_URL = ""